Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Firelight Majesty

Firelight Majesty

This morning started a little earlier than normal. It was five o'clock instead of five thirty when the sound of my alarm awoke me. I wished it was my day off from exercising, but that's usually how I feel. As much as I enjoy a good workout, there's something special about cozy warm feeling of your own bed and five extra minutes of uninterrupted sleep. Of course, that never really happens. I always eventually get up. But this morning, it was almost as if I were summoned. It's a good thing, too. Left to my own devices, I'd get nothing done!

I got prepared for my morning run. It was only going to be a short one this morning. I'd already worked out, but I wanted just a little cardio.

When I opened my front door it looked as if there was a fire in the canyons to the south. From my doorstep I saw the glowing orange and red mist rising from below the plane of housetops before me and hurried to see for myself. I was astonished at the likelihood of destruction that would be left in the wake of this fire. When I got to the end of the street where I could see I was relieved and amazed to see that the sun was merely lifting the fog. ...and yet, it was only a sliver of sunlight peeking through the clouds on the horizon.

Breathtaking! It brought tears to my eyes as I
looked on to the scenery.

I was still astonished, but the alarm had left my mood and was replaced with the more familiar feeling of awe. My eyes stayed locked on the view until the clouds lifted, then ran towards the rising sun, watching as the fiery sky scape changed. These images will never leave my memory.

As I finished my run I thought, "Isn't this just a picture of God's hand?" I am grateful that 'awe' is familiar to me.
I realized that I was witnessing God's work again.

You see? God is always working. Sometimes we catch a glimpse of His work and react with surprise or alarm, but what He does has purpose ...and is beautiful. God is perfect and we can expect only the best from Him... even when, at first, it may not seem like something good.

Thank You, God, for Your perfect will and Your perfect work, and thank You for the comfort I have in Your presence.
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Friday, March 19, 2010

The Newness of Spring

The Newness of Spring

I love the sounds of creation in the morning
It's especially noticeable in the spring

The sun shines warmly on my window sill
It's a new sensation, really. A year has passed since the last time...
The last time I looked out the window and noticed the spring I was younger

As I look out to the sky above, a tree catches my eye
I notice birds that weren't there before, bathing playfully in the sun's rays
The tree branches move randomly with the help of a light breeze
A movement the birds know well, they are home again

I notice the  flower garden below me
It was recently pruned in preparation for the coming season
But something is different than the day before
New life is pushing through the tough bark of the rose tree, and tiny buds are looking for the warmth of the sun

The breeze rustles new, green leaves reminding me that I am not alone

Thank you God for making this world for me to enjoy!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Being Home

Being Home

Ahhh, how being at home awakens the senses!

The smorgasbord of smells of dinner cooking on the stove

The pounding of my heart when I see the wife I love

My daughter's happy voice recounting moments in her day
And the laughter of the little one who tickles me in play

... Thank you God for the blessings you freely give, if only we choose to see them!

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